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University of Exeter


Aims and Objectives:

  1. Run regular socials: Paintball, Movie nights, Boozy Bowling, Board night and many others.

  2. Run a yearly trip to Italy

  3. Run Weekly Italian language and grammar classes.

  4. Introduce people to the little things that mostly characterise the Italian Culture with tailored socials: Aperitive nights, Cooking classes, Trips to Italian influenced cities (e.g. Bath) and many more.

  5. Yearly participation to a vast selection of Intramural Sports depending on people's interest (e.g. last year 6-a-side Football and Badminton).

Ciao a tutti e benvenuti!

The Italian Society is a great place for everyone: language students, native speakers, people interested in the Italian culture (especially the food, the wine and the football) or just people who want to find friends with whom they have shared interests. 

From film nights to paintballing, from board games nights to bowling we offer a variety of socials throughout the year. And let's not forget about our Pizza nights which goes hand in hand with a good night out!! This year we've secured a partnership with Unit 1 which grants our members: free entry every night before 11pm and £1 entry after 11pm!! (Make sure to ask us about it!) 

We have various intramural sports teams: football 6-a-side and 11-a-side, badminton, netball, etc.

We hold weekly language classes (both conversation and grammar) which will give you the opportunity to learn basic italian from scratch or to work on your existing knowledge of italian.

We also have modern languages socials such as the Spring Ball

We hope to see many of you soon!

A presto!

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